Our Team develops and implements environmental technologies that are safe and cost effective methods for chemical free treatment of water and decontamination of hydrocarbon contaminated soil. We continually work to improve the efficiency of our current treatment systems and search for new technologies that can complement our current systems.

Our main thrust is the decontamination and purification of water without the use of chemicals. Our patented technology utilizes electricity and accomplishes more than chemical based systems at a considerably lower cost.

The heart of this technology is the Joule EP5™ – so named because it accomplishes water decontamination by initiating simultaneously, the four processes needed for electro-purification:

  • Creation of Electromagnetic Fields
  • Free Radical Formation
  • Electrolysis
  • Ionization

The Joule EP5™ is unique in that it separates the water from the contaminants — not the contaminants from the water.  This is achieved through the use of the trans-channel reaction cell, a design which is unique in the water purification industry.  It maximizes the generation of electromagnetic fields, producing more fields per surface than any other cell design and thus maximizing the removal of contaminates.

Our target clients include mining operations, industrial wastewater treatment plants, municipal wastewater treatment plants, generation of agricultural water from brackish water, military applications, oil field operations, ballast and bilge water cleaning, small units for developing country use, resorts and golf courses. All our clients receive top quality service throughout the life of their projects because each is managed by one of the company’s principals.

Each member of our team strives to find creative solutions to satisfy the special needs of every project. The results are successful projects.